October Minutes 2022

The October meeting was held at the Grounds Café on 19 October 2022, opening at 6:45pm. It was chaired by Andre Hoogenboezem and minuted by Tanya Brits. The minutes were approved at the 07 November 2022 meeting. The topics for discussion at the August committee meeting included the following:

  1. New 2023 Committee

  2. Careers Panel

  3. EOY Socials Marketing

September Minutes 2022

The September meeting was held at the Law Café on 5 August 2022, opening at 6:30pm. It was chaired by Andre Hoogenboezem and minuted by Georgia Babun. The minutes were approved at the 29 September 2022 Annual General Meeting. The topics for discussion at the August committee meeting included the following:

  1. AGM

  2. Update from President

  3. Update from Careers

  4. Update from Pubs and Marketing

August Minutes 2022

The August meeting was held at the Law Café on 1 August 2022, opening at 6pm. It was chaired by Andre Hoogenboezem and minuted by Ella Reynolds. The minutes were approved at the 5 September 2022 meeting. The topics for discussion at the August committee meeting included the following:
1. Discussions on having another IT Officer or committee member to assist with the IT officer role
2. Café shifts and roster for Semester 2, 2022
3. Update from the President regarding the recent trip to Queensland for ALSA
4. Update from the Treasurer
5. Update from Educations regarding a new ‘Under the Wig’ episode
6. Update from Careers regarding an upcoming PLT conference and discussion panel
7. Update from Competitions

July Minutes 2022

The July meeting was held online on 4 July 2022, opening at 6:11pm. It was chaired by Andre Hoogenboezem and minuted by Tanya Brits. The minutes were approved at the 1 August 2022 meeting. The topics for discussion at the July committee meeting included the following:
1. Law Jumpers
2. Update from the Secretary regarding AGM
3. Update from Educations VP
4. Update from Careers VP

June Minutes 2022

The June meeting was held on 2022, 6 June at 6:10pm online. It was chaired by Andre Hoogenboezem and minuted by Tanya Brits. The minutes were approved at the 4 July 2022 meeting. The topics noted in the minutes are:

  1. Clerkship & Careers Guide Progress Update

  2. Summary - Clerkship Series

  3. Competitions

  4. Jumpers